School Fees

Pinewood’s fees are inclusive of all activities, visits, equipment and trips (with the exception of residential trips). Pinewood Adventure residential trips in Years 4-8 will incur an additional charge, although it is part subsidised by the school to ensure costs to parents are always kept to a minimum.  There is a one-off charge when a child enters the Prep School of £18 for a hymn book. An annual Chromebook rental charge of £100 is included in the Autumn Term fees for pupils in Years 7 and 8. A deposit of £100 will also be paid at the start of Year 7 and refunded to parents when the Chromebook is returned, in a satisfactory state, at the end of Year 8. Chromebooks remain the sole property of Pinewood School.

Optional paid activities with external providers (eg ballet), and individual music tuition are billed separately.

Fees & Charges Spring & Summer Terms 2025

The fees detailed are the current fees for the current academic year and are subject to change for the next academic year. There are 3 terms per year.

Please note that school fees, the weekly boarding supplement and Pinewood Adventure fees are due in advance by the first day of term.  Other extras are paid in arrears. 

  Fees for Spring & Summer Terms 2025 Fees for Spring & Summer Terms 2025 (inclusive of 20% VAT)
Nursery (Full Time per term) £3,870.00 £3,870.00 (VAT does not apply to Nursery fees)
Nursery (Full Time per term, with Early Years funding) £2,969.00 £2,969.00
Nursery (All Day Session per session per term) £774.00 £774.00
Nursery (All Day Session per session per term, with Early Years funding) £447.00 £447.00
Nursery (Morning Session per session per term) £472.00 £472.00
Nursery (Morning Session per session per term, with Early Years funding) £322.00 £322.00
Nursery (Afternoon Session per session per term) £372.00 £372.00
Nursery (Afternoon Session per session per term, with Early Years funding) £222.00 £222.00
Reception – Year 2 (per term) £3,871.00 £4,645.20
Prep School    
Years 3-4 Day Tuition (per term) £6,426.00 £7,711.20
Years 5-8 Day Tuition (per term) £7,450.00 £8,940.00
Weekly Boarding Supplement (Years 5-8, per term) £2,005.50 £2,406.60
Chargeable Extras    
Regular Boarding (per night) £54.17 £65.00
Individual Music Tuition (per 30 min lesson) £33.00 £39.60
Individual Music Tuition  for Year 2 (per 20 min lesson) £22.00 £26.40
Busy Bees Pre-Prep after school care (3.15-5.10pm) per session £15.70 £15.70 (VAT does not apply to Busy Bees fees)
Busy Bees Pre-Prep after school care (3.15-4.20pm) per session £8.15 £8.15
Pre-Prep Crèche (7.45-8.10am) £3.00 £3.00 (VAT does not apply to Crèche fees)


Pinewood can offer means-tested bursaries.  In addition, we can provide support in securing financial assistance (if required) with a linked senior school.  For more information on bursaries, please contact the Bursar, Simon Mason on Please go to our School Policies page to download our Bursary Policy.

Wraparound Care

We offer before (Crèche) and after school (Busy Bees) care for Pre-Prep & Early Years children who need to be dropped off at school before the school day begins or who need to be picked up after the end of the normal school day. Crèche is available on an ad hoc basis for children in Years 1 and 2, but places must be booked through the Pre-Prep office for Early Years children. Busy Bees must be booked in advance. Full details can be found here and costs are listed above.

Early Years Funding 

We operate the County Council Nursery Education Funding scheme. Early Years funding starts from the term after children turn 3, and all 3 to 4 year olds in Oxfordshire are eligible.

Pinewood School offers 15 hours per week of funding. Please see more information about Early Years funding at this link on the Oxfordshire County Council website: Please get in touch with our Head of Admissions, Emily Miller on for details of specific costs relating to your child and the Nursery sessions you are considering him/her joining.

The school also accepts Employer Child Care vouchers for payment of EYFS fees, morning crèche, Busy Bees After School Care and Boarding Supplements.  Please click here for information on using Employer Childcare vouchers and please click here for information on the Tax-Free Childcare scheme.

Insurance Schemes

Insurance schemes are available – please click on the links below for more information:

Pupils Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (including dental) Key Facts (included in the school fees)

Pupils Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (including dental) FAQ (included in the school fees)

Pupils Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (including dental) Information for pupils (included in the school fees)

Pupils Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (including dental) Policy Wording (included in the school fees)

The School Fees Refund Scheme is an optional provision that parents can opt into.  Please click on the links below for further details:

School Fees Refund Scheme Information for Existing Pupils

School Fees Refund Scheme Information for New Pupils

School Fees Refund Scheme Summary of Cover