
New uniform can be purchased from the school outfitters, Schoolblazer, who deliver direct to your home with a free name-taping service included.  We also have a School Shop located on the premises, which sells second hand uniform.

We recommend that you order uniform in plenty of time, particularly at busy times like the summer holidays, and to allow time for returns. Schoolblazer extends their return period over the summer holidays to allow for growth spurts, so any orders placed in June or July can be returned up to the end of September.

House Allocation

Please note that children joining into Years 3–8 will be allocated a school house and will wear a school jumper with a stripe in their house colour. Parents will be informed of their child’s house via email towards the end of the term prior to entry.

The School Second Hand Shop

The School Shop is located in the Old Stables on Top Field and is accessed from the steps on the left of the drive opposite Lower School; it is signed from the drive.  The School Shop Manager, Nicola Foster, is available to advise you regarding your child’s uniform needs, from when they are just starting at Pinewood and as they progress through the school. If you are not able to visit the shop in person, Nicola will be more than happy to arrange a telephone consultation and to drop second hand uniform bags off to classrooms. The shop provides second hand Pinewood uniform, which is sold at 50% of the original retail price, with 30% going to the parent who provided the clothing and 70% to the Pinewood Development Fund. New parents are strongly recommended to make an appointment well in advance of their child starting at Pinewood in order to give a greater chance of stock availability and to enable Nicola to spend time dedicated to the uniform requirements of your child.

Please contact Nicola by email: shop@pinewoodschool.co.uk for stock availability, to make an appointment or to place an order for second hand uniform. 

Opening hours for the School Shop are 8am – 12pm on Mondays and Wednesdays during term-time. Current parents are able to visit the shop from 8am onwards. For new parents joining or those parents who would like an in-person consultation, appointments are available from 9am and must be booked in advance via the email provided above.

Please note that the shop is not open during the school holidays, although limited appointments may be made on school InSeT days prior to the start of each main term.


Prep school (Years 3-8) children need a clearly named pencil case which contains pencils, ink pen (from Year 5), sharpener, a rubber and ruler. Scissors and glue are not required, as they are provided in classrooms. Tippex is not allowed. Colouring crayons or pens may also be brought, but these should be in a separate pencil case so they are only taken to lessons as needed.

A Casio FX-85 GTX calculator (or similar) will be required in Year 6 and above. Although geometry sets are useful, Middle and Upper School Maths teachers provide protractors, compasses and long rulers when required.

Second-Hand Uniform

Parents are very welcome to bring second-hand uniform items in a nearly new condition for sale in the School Shop. The items are sold at 50% of the original retail price, with 30% going to the parent who provided the clothing and 70% to the Pinewood Development Fund.  At the end of every term, the items sold are added up and credited to the current parent school account.

For any Pinewood leaver who brings their second hand uniform to the School Shop, reimbursement for uniform sold will be made for one academic year only, following the date of departure. Any items sold after this 12 month period will be deemed to have been donated to the Pinewood Development Fund and no further reimbursement will be made. Each second hand uniform item sold will be tallied at the end of the first year and credited to your bank account. Please note that parents are responsible for ensuring that correct contact and bank details are provided to our Finance Team to allow this reimbursement to be made.

Please be aware that the Shop reserves the right to dispose of any items which are deemed not to be in a “nearly new” and saleable condition; please note that we will not remove any name tapes before disposing of the items.

Lost Property

All named items of Lost Property will be returned to their owner. Anything unnamed or second-hand items that still bear the name of a pupil who has left Pinewood (and have not been renamed) are looked after in the School Shop. All sports kits will be put in the box upstairs in the Sports Hall.

Pinewood School

School Outfitters

The School Outfitters are Schoolblazer: 



School Blazer FAQs

How to shop at School Blazer

How to measure your child


Pinewood School Pre-Prep uniform

Uniform Lists

Please click on the relevant link below to download the uniform list for your child:

Nursery Uniform List

Pre-Prep Uniform List

Prep Uniform List

Games Kit Visual

Additional items needed for boarding

Ballet Uniform

All ballet uniforms should be bought from Miss Holly. Please email hollyunnuk@gmail.com to order.

Pinewood Prep School Learning Outside the Classroom uniform