With small class sizes, lots of time to play and relish childhood, as well as the fun of participating in plays, creative assemblies, themed curriculum days, sport, and activities, pupils are prepared gradually for the move to the Prep School at the end of Year 2.

The Pre-Prep and Nursery classrooms enjoy having their own interactive whiteboards, and there is a dedicated Pre-Prep library.

A range of assemblies are held each day throughout the week.  These include a weekly assembly led by the Headmaster and the Head of Pre-Prep, and a fortnightly celebration assembly.  At the start of every term, pupils join the Prep School for a special Headmaster’s Assembly, where staff and pupils from the whole school sing the school hymn and celebrate being part of Pinewood.

Pre-Prep Daily Routine Monday-Friday 

7.45-8.10am Crèche
8.10 am Pupils arrive
8.30 am Registration for Years 1 & 2
8.45 am Registration for Early Years
8.30-10.10 Lessons for Years 1 & 2
8.45-10.10 Lessons for Early Years
10.10-10.45 Morning snack, followed by playtime
10.45 Lessons continue
11.45 Lunch
12.30-13.15 Playtime
13.15 Lessons continue
15.00 Nursery finishes
15.20 Reception, Years 1 & 2 finish (see below)
15.30 Year 1 & 2 finishes on Tuesdays after clubs; Year 2 finishes on Wednesdays after games
16.20 First Busy Bees session finishes
17.10 Second Busy Bees sessions finishes