When children enter into the Prep School they will be assigned to one of our four houses, all named after places the school has been based throughout the course of its history.
Learning outside the Classroom is at Pinewood’s heart. Equal importance is given to the explicit requirements of a classroom-driven curriculum and the implicit benefits this brings.
Living alongside other boys and girls and learning to be part of a community, as well as the opportunity to enjoy the grounds, facilities, and friendship of others, away from the busyness of a regular school day, all contribute to children growing in independence and confidence.
Safeguarding is at the heart of pastoral care at Pinewood and underpins all that we do for the best interests of our pupils, enabling them to achieve their potential. A child’s wellbeing and happiness is central to our ethos at Pinewood School. We adopt a whole-school approach to ensure that all those working with the children can support and develop each individual appropriately.
When children enter into the Prep School they will be assigned to one of our four houses, all named after places the school has been based throughout the course of its history.
We aim to provide the children with a well-balanced diet, using locally sourced produce and cooked by our own in-house chefs. We work to educate the children on the different food groups and the importance of eating well to help promote a healthy lifestyle.
Throughout the year, the children’s learning is supported through both trips to relevant places of interest, and workshops or talks delivered by visitors to the school.
Whether in Pre-Prep or in the Prep School, children have an opportunity to represent their form on the school Pupil Councils. This not only gives individual children an opportunity to represent their class, but it also ensures that all children feel they have a clear way in which to voice their views on matters at school, such as food, routines, activities or sports offered etc.
Friends of Pinewood (FOP) are a group of parents and staff, who organise fundraising events for pupils, parents and the extended Pinewood community. As well as raising money for the school and local charities, the events they hold bring people together in a fun, relaxed and social environment.
Teaching our children about the world outside of the school gates and the important role that each and every one of us plays in that world is a fundamental part of school life.
Whilst choosing a prep school for your child is ultimately about your child’s future, we are also very aware that your chosen school will become an enormous part of your life for the foreseeable future.
Outline term dates are available by clicking on the link below. A more detailed calendar is available online for current parents to view.