Boarding Life

Many pupils at Pinewood choose to experience the benefits of boarding life. Living alongside other boys and girls, and learning to be part of a community, as well as the opportunity to enjoy the grounds, facilities and friendship of others away from the busyness of a regular school day, all contribute to children growing in independence and confidence.

Boarding at Pinewood is popular in Years 5-8 (age 9-13) with over half the children in the Prep School choosing to experience the advantages of boarding life. Demand for boarding is frequently child-led, greatly anticipated, and a really marvellous part of school life. Parents are encouraged to register their interest for boarding early, as places are limited; children can then have a taster evening before the decision is made to take up the place.

Preparation for Senior School

Older boarders are encouraged to take more responsibility for themselves in anticipation of their arrival at senior school. Many of our Year 7 & 8 pupils choose to weekly board, which helps to build established friendships and encourages independence, as well as focus during the school week. The arrival at senior school is much less daunting for our pupils who have been part of the boarding pattern.

Pinewood School

Our Houseparents

Mr and Mrs Newcome, our dedicated boarding houseparents, seek to create a family atmosphere with the help of their young children. The Headmaster, Mrs Bailey and the Deputy Head are also closely involved in supervising breakfast and supper and undertaking boarding duties.

Pinewood School

Weekly Boarding

Weekly boarding encourages a child to become independent, with pastoral and academic guidance from the boarding staff, in preparation for their future years. It suits families where both parents might work away from home or who live further afield, but is popular throughout the school and especially in Year 8. Treats for weeklies such as ‘tuck shop’ and the summer BBQ evening all cement the feeling that they are a special part of the Pinewood community.

Pinewood School

Regular Boarding

Regular boarding gives a child the opportunity to have a taste of boarding and to take advantage of the many activities arranged after school. Regular boarding involves committing to set nights per week (which may well tie in with an activity that finishes late). Many children increase their nights as they move up the school, graduating to weekly boarding in Years 7 & 8.

Pinewood School

Evening Activities

Boarders have free time after prep at 5.30pm. At this time the children can join in a range of activities and enjoy all the facilities in the grounds, including Treetops, Cricket Nets, the swimming pool, the Sports Hall, hard courts and Astro, as well as golf, art and crafts, and board games. Boarders are also able to make use of the Outdoor Classroom, toasting marshmallows around the campfire and playing games of 40/40 in the woods. Other activities include film nights, year group discos, and Pinewood’s legendary ‘Spotlight’. Evening activities are optional, and the children can decide to relax with friends and members of the boarding staff if they wish.

Pinewood School

Evening Routine

Supper at 6.30pm is a family affair and a time to discuss and look back on the day’s highlights or lowlights. Following supper, the evening boarding team takes over and leads evening activities, which continue until 7.40pm when the boarders assemble back in the Dining Room for an evening roll-call, followed by showers and staggered bedtimes according to age.

Pinewood School

Special Events & Treat Nights

Special events are held throughout the year, with a particular highlight being the Christmas Feast, followed by carols in the Theatre. Once every half term the children can also look forward to the infamous ‘Friday Treat Night’. Treat nights have often been a surprise to the children; although boarders are also able to suggest suitable treats. Previous treats have included Scottish country dancing with our very own ‘pick and mix’ cart, an inflatable bungee run, human whack a mole, and party games. Treat nights have been a huge success with the boarders and are a lovely way to bring the boarding community together.

Pinewood School

Support Network for Children

Boarding life is busy and fun, but when children inevitably have a difficult day, the family atmosphere helps to provide care, friendship and support.


The School Day for Boarders

7.10am Wake up
7.30am Breakfast
7.45am Free time, music practice etc.
8.15am Registration
8.15am – 5.30pm School day
5.30pm Change into home clothes
6.30pm Supper
7-7.50pm Activities programme which includes catch up on Prep
7.50pm Cereal and staggered bedtimes

To view our Boarding Principles and Practice and our policies on Bullying (including Cyberbullying), E-Safety and Complaints please go to our Policies page.