Whilst choosing a prep school for your child is ultimately about your child’s future, we are also very aware that your chosen school will become an enormous part of your life for the foreseeable future. Pinewood is very much a family school and we welcome you into the school on a daily basis, whether at drop off or pick up, matches, book viewings, art exhibitions, concerts or plays.
That said, our parent community stretches far beyond those moments of celebrating and appreciating your child’s achievements. There is an active Choral Society for adults, which rehearses throughout the year and performs at different events, including the annual carol service. There is also 5-a-side Football and the Pinewood Extras cricket team, as well as annual parent and child golf and tennis tournaments. Do keep an eye out in the weekly Pigeon newsletter for further details.
Friends of Pinewood events are also a wonderful way of meeting other parents and making lifelong friends, whether by joining the committee or by attending one of their regular fundraising events.