Pinewood School

 A support structure has been created to reflect our family atmosphere and to reflect the importance that Pinewood puts on pastoral care. 

“Pupils develop positive mental health from an early age. They develop characteristics of resilience, self-awareness, and confidence, which prepare them well for the next stage of their education, ready to lead successful and productive lives.” 
ISI Inspection Report

Pinewood School

Form Tutors

The Form Tutors provide a vital link between child and parent and are responsible for the academic, spiritual, moral, and social welfare of the children in their care. They communicate on a regular basis with the parents and are the first port of call for any concerns; if appropriate these concerns will be passed on to Hayley Davies, Head of Wellbeing & Emotional Support. Heads of school oversee each section of the school: Pre-Prep, Lower School (Years 3 & 4), Middle School (Years 5 & 6), and Upper School (Years 7 & 8). Children can express their views and influence policy through Pupil Councils.

Pinewood School


Pinewood Surgery is equipped to provide care for pupils in a friendly and professional environment. It provides an area within the school where all can visit in case of acute illness, injury or emotional support, knowing they will receive sympathy and understanding.  Our nurses are NMC registered and on duty between 0800-1700.  Mr and Mrs Bailey and matrons with First Aid qualifications live on site and assist during the whole 24 hour period.

Pinewood School

Chapel & Assemblies

Pinewood is ecumenical in its outlook and accepts children of any faith. We begin the week with an act of worship, which brings the school together. The rhythms of the Christian year, its traditions and values quietly underpin the fabric of life at school.  The Lady Chapel, which is adjacent to the Pre-Prep, is open to children during the school day as a place of quiet and contemplation. We have a fortnightly Friday service in Bourton Church led by the Headmaster, at which a prominent senior school representative will be invited to preach. The service begins with a time of reflection and prayer. Parents and friends are welcome to come and meet the visiting preacher over a cup of tea in the Drawing Room after the service.

Pinewood School

Support Network for Boarders

Our dedicated houseparents, Mr and Mrs Newcome lead the boarding team and are actively involved in the 24-hour care of our boarding children, but the support network for the boarders goes far beyond the houseparents themselves.  The Head of Wellbeing & Emotional Support is available for the children throughout the day and they are able to either book in time with her or take advantage of the drop-in sessions.  Both the Headmaster and his wife also play an active role in supporting our boarders.  The Boarders’ Council provides an opportunity for the boarders to have their voices heard, and provides them with the reassurance that their views and recommendations are taken seriously and, in many cases, acted upon.

Wellbeing & Emotional Support

As a school, we are acutely aware of the pressures facing this generation of children and the increasing signs of mental health issues amongst the young. As a further layer to the strong pastoral care system in place at Pinewood, we are proud to be able to provide our own Wellbeing & Emotional Support Department for the benefit of the children. 

Our Head of Wellbeing & Emotional Support, Mrs Hayley Davies, is available to see the children and their parents on a daily basis. Hayley, who was Head of Lower School (Years 3 & 4) for 10 years and is an experienced teacher, is well known to the children. She has counseling qualifications and is a trained Mental Health First Aider, specifically in relation to young people. We also have several other full-time members of staff in the Prep School, who are qualified in Mental Health First Aid. There is a more informal daily drop-in service for children, for which they do not need to make an appointment. Hayley will accordingly make parents, Form Tutors, and the boarding team aware of anything that is of concern and, if she feels it to be necessary, she will make referrals to appropriate services, in conjunction with parents.

In Pre-Prep the form teachers serve as the first port of call for our younger children, alongside Miss Hannah David-Ward in an emotional support role. Mr Jason Lang (Head of Pre-Prep) and Mrs Jo Siebert (Deputy Head of Pre-Prep) oversee the well-being of children in Pre-Prep. Mr Lang and Mrs Siebert are available to see children and parents on a daily basis. Working in conjunction with them we have two qualified ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) within the Pre-Prep Team – Mrs Laura Worby and Mrs Denise Penney. Teachers are able to refer pupils to them, at which point they are able to support children on a one to one basis or in a small group, dependent upon the needs of the individual.


“A strong, supportive ethos, together with staff who set an excellent example, ensures that pupils are respected and valued. Within this climate they grow in self-belief and self-esteem.”
ISI Inspection 2018