Pinewood School

With 84 acres of idyllic grounds, Pinewood is a haven for outdoor adventure and discovery, making it a magnet for families seeking a blend of tradition and innovation. Every inch of our magical space is not only accessible, but also used by our children, regardless of their age.

Our enriching co-curricular programme, Pinewood SKILLS, lets children embrace the great outdoors, with around 50 activities to select from, from mountain biking and bushcraft to clay-pigeon shooting and golf on our very own nine-hole course. Our younger Pinewoodians enjoy the enchanting Squirrel Classroom, complete with a mud kitchen, fire pit, and greenhouses, creating a magical space for interactive and hands-on outdoor learning.

Pinewood Prep School Year 3 English descriptive writing
Pinewood School

Our hugely popular and varied sporting programme challenges children to build resilience and endurance, while the much-loved educational trips (aptly named Pinewood Adventure) take learning beyond the classroom, offering fresh perspectives and enriching their understanding of the wider world. These experiences are carefully designed to balance physical challenges with intellectual growth, nurturing well-rounded individuals. 

Pinewood’s holistic approach to outdoor education stands out. Every activity is thoughtfully crafted to develop skills, such as tenacity, effort and adaptability, while instilling a sense of wonder and respect for our surroundings. Through these pursuits, our children gain practical abilities, build confidence, and create lasting memories, ensuring their growth, both as individuals and as active, engaged members of the community.

Pinewood Prep School Year 5 adventure trip Dolygaer Wales gorge walking
Pinewood School

At the heart of our eco-friendly ethos is Pinewood’s Victorian walled kitchen garden, where pupils grow seasonal produce in a 30-foot polytunnel, raised beds, and orchards. Whether harvesting vegetables for use in the school kitchen or competing in the annual potato-growing contest, children experience the joy of farm-to-fork sustainability at first hand. Pinewood will soon be welcoming its own colony of honey bees, with pupils selling honey and candles as part of our innovative Young Entrepreneurs programme.

Pinewood Prep School Kitchen Garden SKILLS after school gardening club
Pinewood School

Beyond the grounds, our community woodland includes wildlife trails, footpaths, horse paddocks and over 6,000 newly planted trees, reinforcing Pinewood as a leader in outdoor education and sustainability. These very trails also double up as a demanding, but highly rewarding Rubber Legs course, Pinewood’s answer to a Tough Mudder, a challenge keenly contested through inter-house competitions and inter-schools fixtures alike.

With its beautiful setting, boundless opportunities, and commitment to nurturing our surroundings as well as our pupils, Pinewood embodies everything a country prep should be, ensuring that learning really is an adventure.

Pinewood Prep School Inter-House Cross-Country running
Pinewood School

Asked what he thought made Pinewood stand out, Headmaster, Neal Bailey replied:

“The answer lies in the people we have inside the building, the Pinewood staff. I am deeply honoured to work with such an extraordinary group of inspirational individuals. Together, we are dedicated to ensuring the children’s happiness and development, whilst trusting, respecting and supporting one another. We continue to be true to ourselves, letting our strengths and individuality shine.”

Pinewood Prep School Girls

“Absolutely everyone is celebrated, whatever their ability. There are plenty of opportunities for the children to explore their creative, musical, dramatic or sporting passions, and everyone is celebrated and encouraged in what they do. All children learn a string instrument, and the Year 3 strings concert was amazing, given the limited time they had been learning their various instruments. The sport isn’t elitist and the focus is on team spirit, everyone gets a chance to shine. The feeling I get is that the school is instilling a sense of enthusiasm for sport and the arts at an early stage, ensuring no child feels despondent or loses confidence in these areas if it’s not their forte.”

Pinewood Prep School 150th anniversary logo

“The staff members are genuinely outstanding, totally dedicated and manage to combine exceptional teaching, fun, energy and care. Their enthusiasm and positivity filters through every aspect of the school. They are approachable, hugely responsive and always go the extra mile with both pupils and parents.”

Pinewood Prep School 150th anniversary logo

“The staff are warm and friendly every morning; as a parent you really feel they are rooting for your child and genuinely celebrate every achievement. In turn, the children are happy, confident and excited to learn. All of this results in very happy parents! Also, the food – the children love it… unfortunately my cooking has received much more criticism since the children started and they never come home hungry…!”