Classrooms are regarded as a ‘safe space’ where an atmosphere of mutual respect, consideration for others, and open-mindedness is fostered.
As a department, we seek to equip pupils with the skills needed to face the modern world as confident individuals, clear of their own views and respectful of the views of others, whilst at the same time allowing them space to develop their own spiritual, moral and ethical beliefs.
Since introducing our own unique scheme of work in 2017, our TPE curriculum forms part of a much wider Humanities syllabus (alongside Geography and History). Throughout Upper School, Year 7 and 8 pupils are regularly assessed on their research skills, spoken language, listening skills, and structured writing, through a range of formal and informal assessments. Far-reaching themes such as ‘power, influence and globalisation’, ‘social responsibility’ and ‘conflict, resolution and morality’ enable pupils to work towards their final Humanities accreditation, which is formally presented to every CE candidate at the end of Year 8.
The department encourages every child to develop methods to express their own opinions and to develop higher order critical thinking skills through verbal activities, including debates and presentations. Pupils are encouraged to listen to and thoughtfully question or comment upon, the ideas of others, demonstrating respect for alternative points of view.
‘The study of the nature of God and religion and religious beliefs’
We aim to:
Develop an appreciation of, and increase the pupils’ knowledge and understanding of different faiths through the study of four major world faiths during the pupils’ time in the Prep School: Hinduism (Year 4); Islam, Judaism, (Year 5); Buddhism (Year 6); Christianity (all age groups across the school).
Incorporate relevant teachings and experiences from other faiths and belief systems by visiting local places of worship, such as the Oxford Central Mosque and Orthodox Synagogue.
Apply key teachings and principles to the pupils’ lives today and understand how they could be relevant in future. Inculcate the spirit of the school by reinforcing the vision and values of the school.
‘The love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge’
‘The study of human morals, character and behaviour’
We aim to:
Develop the pupils’ abilities to respond, reflect, reason and re-evaluate their own ideas in response to different stimuli.
Develop the pupils’ skills to pose difficult questions, facilitate the discovery of answers, and help clarify their reasoning, for example: ‘What is the meaning of life?’ ‘What is fair and unfair?’ ‘What is real?’
‘Moral principles, beliefs and rules about right and wrong that govern a person’s behaviour’
We aim to:
Prepare our pupils to live fulfilled and purposeful lives in the years ahead, being thoughtful citizens, who can contribute meaningfully to the place where they live and work.
Develop and apply concepts of tolerance, decency, good manners, honesty, and consideration for others, using accounts from religious text and examples from the contemporary world.